Intercourse Positions to Conceive a Boy


Intercourse Positions to Conceive a Boy

The process you making love could affect whether you conceive a boy or a girl. The cause has to do on the life span of male Y sperm versus female X sperm. Male sperm are quicker than female sperm, only they populate for a portion of the time of the X’s. That means if the sperm have to trip a long distance to arrive at the egg, it is likely only female person sperm will live long enough to go the distance. In a short speed, though, the more barred boy sperm are most likely to “succeed.”

So, in order to increase your chances to conceive a boy, you want to shorten the distance the sperm have to travel. You can do that with deep penetration intercourse positions (click here to discover the best sex positions for conceiving a boy). The good ol’ missionary position is fine if the woman raises her pelvis by bringing her knees up to her chest or resting her legs on the man’s shoulders. Placing a pillow under the woman’s bottom will make that easier. Depending on your preferences, however, there are some other positions you might want to try.

Positions to Conceive a Boy
  1. Positions that use rear entry, such as the doggy or leapfrog style work well
  2. The woman lying face down with a pillow under her pelvis can also allow for deep penetration
  3. It takes some flexibility, but the woman can lie on her back with the man holding her legs out in a V-shape
  4. The reverse cowgirl position allows for deep penetration for those who prefer a woman-on-top style
  5. The woman can sit on the edge of the bed with her knees bent and her feet on the edge of the bed
If none of these positions to conceive a boy actually attract to you and your better half, look more or less for positions that do. Needless to say, some deep penetration positions can be awkward for adult female*. There are so a lot of different “boy positions” out there, believed, that it is worth experimenting to breakthrough one that’s enjoyable for both partners and gives those fast, but short-lived male Y sperm the best chance of getting to that egg.