"Formula" (Making) Children [Women or Men]

Want to have a baby boy or girl?

Male sperm contains the X and Y sperm, sperm X and Y determine the woman is the man. Based on physiological characteristics of sperm above, geneticists theorize in choosing to give birth to a baby boy or girl.

food 1.Faktor

If you want a baby girl
Husband should eat foods that contain a lot of Alkaline, while his wife eat a lot of acidic foods.

Foods that contain a lot of alkaline are: vegetables, fruits, egg whites, milk, and seaweed.
Foods that contain a lot of acid is meat and sea food (seafood).

If you want a baby boy.
Husband had a lot of foods that contain a lot of acid, while the wife had a lot of foods that contain a lot of alkaline (see above foods).

2.Faktor Time (When did intercourse)

If you want a baby girl.
Frequent intercourse on the days before the menstrual period.

If you want a baby boy.
Frequent intercourse during the menstrual period and approaching or immediately after the menstrual period.

How to know the time of menstruation?
Temperatures or increased body temperature (you can use a pedometer and record body temperature).

3.Faktor penetration (stab)

If you want a baby girl.
Husband should avoid deep puncture into the genital wife at the time of intercourse.

If you want a baby boy.
It is advisable to make a deep puncture by the husband at the time of intercourse.

Character of X and Y spermatozoa
Sperm X: Marathon runner (much) with high stamina (strong)
Y sperm runner sprinting (fast) with lackluster stamina (weak)
So, with a deep puncture, the possibilities for the Y sperm to reach the goal will be greater.

4.Faktor Stimulus

If you want a baby girl.
Wife should avoid stimulation during intercourse. Secretion discharge from the genitals concentration becomes alkaline when stimulated, this will encourage activity spematozoa Y.

If you want a baby boy.
Horny husband and wife after ejaculation.

Preparation 5.Faktor Wife

If you want a baby girl.
Vaginal washing with a solution of two tablespoons of white vinegar diluted in one liter of clean water. This is done so that the condition becomes acid decreases activity of Y spermatozoon.

If you want a baby boy.
Vaginal washing with a solution of two tablespoons of baking soda mixed in one liter of clean water.

6.Faktor Position

If you want a baby girl.
Position wife at the time of intercourse than their husbands.

If you want a baby boy.
Husband's position at the time of intercourse is over the wife. This follows the properties of Y spermatozoon will quickly towards the target (the egg).

For plans with a child over and anyone who will need a plan for the future, the table below will help you to predict the gender of a child who will be born.
Accuracy of the table below have been proven by thousands of people and it is believed to be 99% accurate.
Believe it or not.

The technique produces a baby's sex

Sperm are of 2 types:
X sperm (for female)
Y sperm (for male)

Sperm X has the following characteristics:
- The greater
- Movement slower
- Has a lifespan of more than 72 hours (3 days), rata2 5 days, 7 days even ever recorded
- More resistant to the acidic environment of the vagina

Y sperm have the following characteristics:
- The smaller
- Move faster
- Has the longest lifespan of 48 hours (2 days)
- More resistant to alkaline pH environment of the vagina.

How to determine ovulation with basal body temperature, transvaginal ultrasound, with a calculator ovulation or ovulation predictor test kit.

To get a baby boy:

1) make contact on the day of ovulation and the day tomorrow is also (still in the fertile period).

2) When a man is about to ejaculate: the deepest possible penetration, try the volume of semen that comes out as much as possible, as much as possible, as close to the cervix, liquids do not spill out, try to keep the fluid accumulates in the vagina near the cervix until the morning, that both x and sperm and a lot of successful sperm to swim into the uterus in a shorter time. To reach it use the MOT (man on top) or missionaries.

3) The number of sperm that the more opportunities being male, and therefore do not touch during the 7 days before the day of ovulation-related targets (note: the fertile period is + - 1 day after / before ovulation) goal for the volume of sperm issued to a maximum and no sperm x remaining life (sperm from a previous relationship). Additional notes: do not touch for 3-5 days is enough to maximize the volume of sperm.

To get a baby girl:

1) make connections every 2 days (ie Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc.) from the start of menstruation stops, stay in touch 3 days in a row before stopping in touch for 3 days before ovulation, and then do not touch it again until the egg is fertilized. goal for x amount of sperm that are still in the womb much (accumulation of previous hubungan2) and no sperm and still living life in the womb before ovulation. Men are encouraged bath / spa warm water before intercourse.

2) When a man is about to ejaculate: the deepest possible penetration, try the volume of semen that comes out as much as possible, as much as possible, as close to the cervix, liquids do not spill out, try to keep the fluid accumulates in the vagina near the cervix until the morning, that both x and sperm and a lot of successful sperm to swim into the uterus in a shorter time. To reach it use the MOT (man on top) or missionaries.